Walyou Random Roundup [July 17, 2010]

Walyou Random Roundup for July 17, 2010 includes Super Mario, Chun-Li, Beer names, Toshiba Protege R705, Periodic Table of Meat, Superhero remakes, M8 Hybrid and more. Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the Roundup!the flash dan hipp image thumb

1. Employee Manuals…Probably (College Humor)

2. The Cutest Chun Li Cosplay You`ll Ever See (I Am Bored)


3. Apple Sucks: Guy Gear (Ask Men)

4. Super Karoshi — the Game Where the Point Is to Get Killed (Lemon Drop)

5. BIG BANG BIG BOOM: A Graffiti History of the World (Mental Floss)

6. M5 plus electric motors = M8 Hybrid (the Throttle)

7. Air Travel Survival Gear (Maxim)

8. Knight Raizer: an attractive Portable PS2 mod (PS3Maven)

9. Meet the New Toshiba Portege R705 (Geek With Laptop)

10. This male cheerleader just made my day (The Chive)

11. 10 Nauseating Beer Names and the Stories Behind Them (Asylum)

12. Scrumptious Science!: Periodic Table Of Meat (Geekologie)

13. Dan Hipp’s Superhero Renditions Pack Colorful Mega Punches (Comics Alliance)

14. A Look Inside Mario’s Incredibly Huge Costume Closet (WiiNoob)