C.R.A.B. Robotic System To Help Cops And Militia

If you love watching Robocop and have ever wondered that if such robot should exist in reality to help the police and military forces in their operations, then that is very soon to be true because the development of the C.R.A.B. robotic sentry system is on full swing.

CRAB exterior

A joint venture of the weapons manufacturer Dalton/Stanley and Mega Corporation Omni Consumer Products, this technology will soon be revealed to the world in a street trial of London. The technologies used and in fact, the time taken for releasing just a glimpse of the 3D design concept of this robotic system is making one thing sure that not only the robot world but the defense system is about to be enhanced and to be taken to a new level.


The making of the C.R.A.B. (Cybernetic Autonomous Remote Barricade) system took 12 long years and the thing that is creating much of the buzz and curiosity among the spectators is that the technologies and the artificial intelligence used for the development of the robotic system have been kept very much confidential.


The little bit of information leaked about the C.R.A.B. robotic sentry system states that it has six legs and comes with some superior sort of unbreakable body armor. The notable armors fitted in this robotic sentry system comprise of twin cannons, gas and even smokescreen abilities. The striking factor is that it can differentiate between the natures of two types of men and can perceive who is friend and who is foe.

While exclaiming at the technologies behind the C.R.A.B. robotic sentry system, the year long efforts and pains of the scientists and the workers cannot be left unseen. First of all, the defense forces must thank these two companies the Dalton/Stanley and the Mega Corporation Omni Consumer Products who have thought about something so revolutionary.

CRAB outer

Think for a moment when very soon in the future, this robotic defense system will be seen patrolling in the local streets and detaining people found roaming around with wrong motives!

Other than this C.R.A.B. robotic system, a line of other military robotic units too is currently undergoing developments. The technologies and features used for the manufacturing of these military robots are to an extent quite same with the C.R.A.B. and these will also work for bringing effective results and for relieving the defense force.

Also check out this Robotic Wheelchair that automatically Follows Human Companion and Lego Robot that follows you upstairs.

Via: Jamiemartindesign