Walyou Random Roundup [August 28, 2010]

Walyou Random Roundup for August 28, 2010 includes Dark Matter, Super Mario Bros, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The Matrix, X-Ray Art, PS3 Controller Caps, Eminem Parody, Pacman, Halo and much more. We hope you enjoy this week’s roundup and have a great weekend!duct tape mug design

1. Dude Gets Hit By Bicyclist (I Am Bored)

2. MTV Rough Cut: James Cameron (MTV)


3. I Am Afraid (Eminem Parody) (College Humor)

4. 34 Crazy (and Kinda Creepy) Birdhouses (URLesque)

5. Amazing Mario Mural in Deep South Texas (WiiNoob)

6. Dark Matter (Maxim)

7. Amazing X-ray art by Nick Veasey (The Chive)

8. Hilarious ‘Scott Pilgrim Vs. The Matrix’ Mashup Movie Trailer Has it Together (Comics Alliance)

9. Awesome Amateurs Build Rocket Ship Bound for Space (Asylum)

10. Coffee Mug Made from Duct Tape (GadgetHim)

11. ViewSonic PJD6531w 3-D Short-Throw Projector (Ask Men)

12. The Stylish New Sony VAIO P Netbook (Geek With Laptop)

13. Voting Machine Hacked to Play Pac-Man (GeekoSystem)

14. Ricky Gervais Has a Laugh (The Awesomer)

15. PS3 controller caps (PS3Maven)

16. Killer Halo M6D Pistol’s Life Size Rendition Recreated (XboxFreedom)

17. Tiny gadgets: iPazzPort mini bluetooth keyboard is credit card sized (GadgetLite)

18. Nike’s Back To The Future Sneaks Closer To Reality, Patented (Geeky Gadgets)

19. Shredded Converse… wait. why? (The Berry)

20. A USB Wedding Ring for a Nerdy Couple (GadgetHer)