Walyou Random Roundup [October 9, 2010]

Walyou Random Roundup for October 9, 2010 includes Iron Man, Cigar Guy, Yoshi, Kratos, Wine Openers, Godzilla, Yo-Yo, Jersey Shore, the Exorcist and more. We hope you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the Roundup!

i love yoshi image thumb

1. 12 Funny Church Bulletin Boards (I Am Bored)


2. Exclusive: “The Exorcist” Cast & Crew Reminisce (Maxim)

3. Mega Dashboards and Instrument Panels (Dark Roasted Blend)

4. Cigar Guy – The Photoshops Continue (DJ Mick)

5. 19 Weird Wine Bottle Openers (GadgetHim)

6. Top 10: Historic Aussie Alcohol Moments (Ask Men)

7. There’s No Place Like Home (MTV)

8. Hal 9000 MacBook Decal (Geeky Gadgets)

9. The Late Movies: How to Iron a Shirt (Mental Floss)

10. 14 Cool Shower Curtains for Geeks (GadgetHer)

11. Toshiba launching 3D TV with no glasses required (Geek With Laptop)

12. The Army Of The Future Could Look A Lot Like Iron Man (Comics Alliance)

13. World’s Largest Handheld Yo-Yo (Neatorama)

14. Last Shot – Godzilla: A PETA Production (URLesque)

15. Which City Would the God of Sneakers Try and Destroy? (PS3Maven)

16. Do Not Like: A Rat-Brain Guided Robotic Car (Geekologie)

17. Food Plus Fashion? Yes, Please (Lemon Drop)

18. I Love Yoshi (WiiNoob) image by Kimiko123

19. Microsoft LifeCam Studio (Cool Material)