DC Universe Batman Funko Force Bobble Head

When was the last time you wanted to be a kid? If you still do then how about having this Batman Funko Force Bobble Head figure? We all love the gothic superhero Batman.

After all he is the only one who isn’t a colorful hopping around superhero. He is the only mature superhero I can think of right now, and he is the only one with darkness surrounding him. So, if you are a true Batman fan, then this bobblehead is for you.


This Batman Funko Force Bobble Head has arms that rotate and the head that bobbles. The figure is 5 inches tall and is pretty stuffy to hold. It’s not a light figure made from cheap plastic; but as soon as you have it, you will know that it’s made from quality plastic that can last for long. The figure is available for $11.99, and is limited so better not delay it if you are a true Batman lover and you want to collect all the types of figures available out there!

Is it worth it?

Why not? If you like collecting superhero figures, then this one is a must-have. First off, the figure itself is designed in a very witty manner. The head is bigger in proportion to the body, and when it bobbles, it looks hilarious. Honestly, you don’t see such figures everyday. Most of them have the all neat-looking Batman, but this one even makes Batman look funny. Moreover, this one comes with the old school costume of Batman with yellow belt, underwear on his pants (which is the ever funny thing about DC heroes), dark blue boots, gloves, and mask. I personally prefer this costume of Batman over the black one we see nowadays. This one makes him look more like a superhero than an FBI agent.

Anyways, this figure is cool if you want to relive those old memories once again. Remember those Batman shows that used to come on Star Movies? Yup, this one looks like one of them, and if you have a similar Robin figure standing next to him, it would double the excitement.

Check out some more Batman stuff here: The Batman Plush Doll and The Batwing Replica.