Warsaw Wrist Watch is Dedicated to Math

Wac?aw Franciszek Sierpi?ski was a renowned Polish mathematician who made outstanding contributions to the field of mathematics. His notable contributions include research on the axiom of choice and the continuum hypothesis of set theory. The Sierpinski triangle, the Sierpinski carpet, and the Sierpinski curve are geometric fractals that are named after him.


For the very first time, perhaps, the Polish mathematician has been associated with something that lies outside the field of mathematics. A designer from America who goes by the initials, Logan, has designed a wristwatch concept that pays homage to Wac?aw Sierpi?ski, and the mathematician’s Sierpinski triangle in particular.  The wristwatch concept is titled ‘Warsaw’, after the birthplace of the mathematician.


Wristwatch designs of late have been creative and innovative in their aesthetic function. So much so, that traditional dials and digital numbers have made way for a more visual way of time telling. Warsaw, by Logan, is the perfect example of a wristwatch that has an arresting (and a bit complex) style of visual time keeping.

Logan’s concept has a square shaped dial that features a black triangle in the centre of it. This triangle is the famous Sierpinski triangle. The concept attempts to tell time by the use of this singular triangle and the laws associated with the Sierpinski triangle. Do not worry; it does not require a rocket scientist to figure this one out.


The single black triangle that sits in the centre of the dial is further divided into three separate smaller triangles inside it. These three triangles are indicated by three different colors: blue, green, and yellow. The blue, green, and yellow triangles perform the function of keeping hours, minutes (10, 20, 30, 40, etc.), and single minutes (1, 2, 3, 4,) respectively.

The blue triangle (as well as the other two) is broken down into four equal segments. Each individual segment represents one hour (from 1-4). To represent the hours from five to seven, two segments are used. Three segments are used to represent the hours from eight to eleven, and all the four segments are used to represent 12 o’clock.


The same formula is used by the green and yellow triangles, too. Minutes 10 to 40 will be indicated by a single green triangle, while a single yellow triangle will be used to indicate individual minutes between one and four. The other segments will be used to represent time in a similar way to the ‘hours’ triangle.

You can check out this incredibly intelligent wristwatch concept at Tokyoflash.

If you are impressed with this design, you certainly need to look at Tokyoflash Lock Up, Tokyoflash Breaking Glass or the Direction Watch.