The Lego Factory Project 2

Kids from all over the world have always been enthralled to play with Lego toys. The latest from Lego, the Lego Factory is very similar to the Marker Lego Bot, yet another Lego creation that has the ability to make individual Lego projects.

The latest from Lego, the Lego Factory Project, and Version 2 is a Lego warehouse which is designed for serious building. It is so interesting and fascinating to watch the Lego arms reaching out for a Lego brick and then placing them in its appropriate places. If you have a project envisaged in your mind, it gets done while you sleep. You find it all done and in place, so the Lego factory is the best way to get your structures built over night.


Lego Factory Project 2 has five mind storm computers installed in it. It took four and a half months of intense planning to make this Lego Factory Project and it has twenty five thousand elements in it. The factory by itself has 90 different bricks that can absolutely make anything that the user programs into it, by down loading the necessary plans from LDD.

The Lego factory effectively takes the building element out of your hands unless of course you are the kind who loves going hands on with your Lego. With the latest Lego Factory Project 2, you would have to choose what you value the most- the product or the process!

This amazing product was created by Martijn Bosgreef. It took him four to five months of construction time to complete it. The hours put into the creation of this amazing Lego Factory Project 2 is a mind boggling 150 hours of Lego building.  After 100 hours of programming, the total amount of bricks is estimated to be around 25,000. The warehouse consists of five different bricks. Totally, there are 1520 bricks in stock.

The maximum modal size is 16x22x11(width,length,height in bricks). It is controlled by five NXT’S. The models are designed in Lego Digital Designer. The Lego Factory Project has four different aspects to it. It is compact- it uses a single building unit that can handle nearly every part as long as it has at least one stud on top of the element. The project has elegance coupled with beauty.

The entire project is a large factory building furnished and decorated to mini-figure scale with control rooms too. Attention has been given to variability and minute details while designing Lego Factory Project 2.

This creation is indeed interesting! you must also go through Lego Computer and Lego Engine to learn more about similar inventive products.

Via: Coolest Gadgets