The La Boite Concept LD120 is an Audiophile’s Dream

Let’s not beat around the bush. Laptop speakers aren’t great. They usually produce mediocre sound at a volume that is less than desirable. But a laptop is a tool of convenience and practicality. How does one obtain a fantastic sound from a laptop without diminishing its entire nature? The La Boite Concept LD120 could just be the answer.

La Boite Concept Desk

This speaker desk hybrid allows users to plug in their laptops, or any phone or music player, and experience unprecedented laptop sound quality. This beautifully crafted desk sports a USB DAC, Hi-Fi sound card that is designed to improve the quality of your laptop. Seven strategically placed speakers output sound evenly so listeners up close and far away will experience their music at the highest quality. When listeners are up close and personal with the device, the Rear Wide sound system uses rear speakers to bounce the audio off of a rear wall at a 45 degree angle to give a stereophonic effect. While your laptop will connect via a USB socket the device will use auxiliary inputs to not only play music from your mobile phones and music players but also charge the devices.
La Boite Concept Rear Speakers

As mentioned above, laptops are about convenience and ease of use. A plethora of chords and cables just won’t work. That’s probably why the La Boite Concept LD120 sports an outlet cable that is built into the storage compartment. Convenience, check. On top of the desk you’ll find a few knobs that will allow you to switch between channels (your laptop, phone, or any other device that’s plugged in) and adjust the volume, bass and treble, giving you more control of the sound that’s being output.


La Boite Concept Knobs

Of course, there’s the pressing matter of cost. We knew we would have to address it sooner or later. While the LD120 will certainly make a great addition to any contemporary home, it won’t come cheap. The device is currently listed at 930 Euros which is $1,300. But hey, it is the season of holidays.

For those interested in a more theatrical system the Bose Lifestyle 235 Home Entertainment System may be a great fit and something wireless for the outdoorsy types.

Via: Fubiz