Have the bloodiest Christmas of all with Game of Thrones

Traditionally, your tree should already be up, but in case it isn’t, you may decorate it with these and the insides of everyone you love. This is a complete Game of Thrones theme for the season!

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The ThinkGeek crowd came up with a fantastic set of christmas ornaments and lights to decorate our traditional trees with a geeky edge. And, because winter is coming, these are a perfect fit for any nerdy home still in need of getting into the holiday spirit.


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Both of these sets are official licensed products based on the hit series by HBO Game of Thrones, and each come with sigils of the different houses of Westeros.

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The ornaments come in several variations featuring the logos of houses Baratheon, Lannister, Stark, or Targaryen, and include the goldtone hanging chain. They cost $9.99 USD each.

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On the other end, the sigils string lights feature 10 lights: 2 each of Stark, Baratheon, Lannister, Tyrell, and Targaryen, and costs $19.99 USD. Arryn, Greyjoy, Tully and Martell will have to wait ’till next year, we’re guessing.

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Via Nerdgasmo

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