All parents worry about what their kids will do in the future. So why not lay it out for them?
French photographer Malo took his 3-month old daughter and gave her a few options for her to browse and choose from when she grows up. While not all these career paths are realistic, they’re definitely cute to look at.
Being a Ballet Dancer is something all girls, at some stage of their childhood, want to be.
Not the most “feminine” of professions, but no one is going to mess with her if she goes in that direction.
Lets hope that she doesn’t mind the blood.
El(la) Matador
Maybe the bull will take it easy on her.
Excellent set up for an offensive dirty joke, but I’ll pass.
Flying Waitress
Life in a Monastery
At least that’s a good way to make sure no one is going to hit on her.
The supreme honor.
Surfer Girl
That shark swimsuit is scary.
Another Female Pope?
We’ve already had one female pope, according to some; will she be the next one?
For a bit more baby cuteness, check out the cutest cosplay ever of Han Solo and Chewie.