ChronodeVFD, the Steampunk Watch: who needs smart when you got steam?

Steampunk is back, and it never should’ve left! This is a Steampunk VFD wristwatch, with fantastic retro looks and modern usability


Between the Nexus and iPhones, PS4 and Xbox Ones and stuff, we got a whole new batch of gadgets, yet the steampunk mods are lacking. What happened? We used to get them so often… because we are still not ready to move on, here’s a new creation called ChronodeVFD. It’s a steampunk VFD wristwatch made by J. M. De Cristofaro, better known as “johngineer”. His blog even details the materials and building process so you can recreate your own, which sounds like a fantastic plan for a slow weekend.


Via Gadgetify

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