Duck Hunt NES Cartridge Doubles Up as iPhone Dock Mod

nes cartridge iphone dock

There is no dearth of iPod docks and iPod charging stations, and thus each dock creator and manufacturer has to think of more innovative ways to design a dock. Here is another cool iPhone dock which is inspired by retro gaming. The NES Cartridge iPhone Dock brings back the memories of a bygone era when we all used to play Duck Hunt on the old console without a break.

Things have changed dramatically over these years, and the Duck Hunt NES Cartridge mod is almost a dinosaur. However, this fun iPhone Dock brings back those memories in a cool package which consists of Duck Hunt NES cartridge, an iPhone sync cable and of course, oodles of attitude. It works with all iPhones and iPods except the Shuffle.


nes cartridge iphone dock is cool

You would just need to connect the included USB cable to a computer to sync and charge any iPhone or iPod. It costs $24.95 and is available at GeekUnique‘s shop at etsy and is well worth the money spent on it. You could also check out this cool Sega Dreamcast Controller which was turned into an iPhone Dock. This must be the coolest way to keep the memories of old consoles alive, and I wonder when the iPhone and the iPod will become history themselves!

Via: GeekyGadgets