The New Facebook ‘Send’ Button Goes Live

The infamous Facebook ‘Like’ button now has a new counterpart in the form of the company’s latest open graph tool, the ‘Send’ button. This new feature will allow for users to share content from around the web with specific sets of people.

Facebook’s idea behind creating the new ‘Send’ button is to create a more private (and precise) alternative to Liking something. When you Like something within a website, you are publishing a live-feed post of this activity to your entire list of Facebook friends via your public newsfeed. By Liking a post on, say, the New York Times, you cannot choose which friends see this decision.


With the new Send social plug-in, you can instead choose the exact people with whom you’d like to share the content. Basically, it will allow greater targeting for both businesses and users.  This linked content can be sent through a Facebook message, email, or posted right into a specific Facebook Group’s wall. This addition to open graph sharing capability will enable much greater private sharing and more accurate social sharing among groups of friends.

One important detail is that the amount of “Sends” counts toward the total number of Likes a page has. The Like total will now exclusively be calculated by totaling the number of Likes, shares, comments and inbox messages containing a URL.

Naturally, Facebook is calling it “the easiest way to privately share things with groups and individuals.” For example, say you just found a required read for your book club on Amazon for a great deal. Now, you can share your great find with your entire book club group on Facebook in a single click. This new function is private, convenient, and best of all, everywhere. At least, it will soon be everywhere.

Looking for more social networking news and fun? You’ll want to check out 17 Fun Facebook Products and Designs and Human Facebook Default Avatar.

Via: Wildfire