Fiddme, a community of people who love good food, was created by “a bunch of Foodies in Israel” as they call themselves and they are taking the culinary world by storm with their interactive food blog.
It’s more than a blog actually, it’s also a guide to restaurants or eating places in your area (you have the option of sharing your location when you sign up). It is also a great place to make new friends, or as they explain in the blog section of their site: “Fiddme aims to be your local visual guide to culinary wonders around you, exposing you to new places and interesting people in your area.” It has a live twitter and “Food” stream.

On the front page you will find a live stream of photos uploaded by users. This section features mouthwatering dishes including the location where it was eaten at. Basically, you can publish what you eat and where you eat it and also see what other foodies around the world are feasting on. This truly ties in with the site’s tagline: Eat. Drink. Tell The World.
This list of favorite dining places grows by the day, and currently features Stavros Grill and Just Sweet Dessert House in New York, Bencotto Italian Kitchen and Cafe Zucchero in San Diego, and Bahama Breeze in Duluth. A truly unique way to discover all the wonderful culinary wonders around you, and in the process also find interesting new places to hang out. Interestingly, the current top food categories are burgers, pizza, sushi, coffee, ice cream and sausage. By no means does this take anything away from the gourmet dishes, you will even find more than enough five star dishes to drool over. The list of favorite locations includes Tel Aviv, New York, and Singapore, with Boston lagging in at number seven and London at the eighth spot. I’m sure that as the site’s popularity grows, more places will add to the list.

Currently, there is an iPhone application available which gives you instant access to the site, with the option of browsing as well as updating your profile. You can take a picture while you are at restaurant and upload it within a few minutes. John Johnston gave a tongue in the cheek comment about the criticism of tweeting or updating your Facebook status about your lunch – well, now you have an application to help you. You can connect via Twitter, Facebook and Foursquare, and this makes sharing your newsFeed so much easier.

What I like about Fiddme is the convenience it offers in sharing your food fetishes with the world. Not only by sharing your glorious food delights, but also recipes. If you like this wonderfully delicious culinary blog, you will also enjoy Ordering Food More Conveniently With The Cool “No Server Order System,” and Pacman And Pinky Recipes.
Via: Fiddme