Make the best of a day at the canal thanks to two very convenient designs of folding boats that you can carry with you.
Convenience has gone to a new level. Two designers have put together two similar concepts for foldable boats that can be easily stored and transported. One design folds neatly into a bag that you can actually carry around, while the other folds into a completely flat surface that you can probably just slide underneath your living room couch for the winter.
According to our source, Toxel, the Folding Boat concept is the joint work of two very talented designers by the names of Arno Matthies and Max Frommeld.
Check out the video below to hear a bit about what the creators have to say about their latest awesome project.
I find this concept simply amazing. I’ve always been a little envious of friends who have access to either a boat of their own, or at least one owned by their family. The luxury of being able to go out over the water and spend the day doing nothing but taking in the wind and the sun is simply stunning.
Luckily for people like me, these tiny foldable boats are perfect for a single person to take out on to the water, without having to have any knowlesge of sailing. Besides, a little bit of rowing never hurt anyone.
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