15 Dead Game of Thrones Characters Re-Animated Through Magnificent Art

Few shows make people feel… anything, quite like Game of Thrones does. When a character on the show dies, it makes people happy, but usually sad, depressed, angry. And in honor of these dead characters, comes this wonderful art project.

Ertaç Alt?nöz, or ertacaltinoz on Deviantart, took the more notable dead Game of Thrones characters from the TV show and gave them a Wight (GOT zombies) kind of makeover, with the way of death of something from the death scene itself showing in the image, sometimes as hint alone, creating a powerful collage of morbidity and beauty fused together.

Lyanna Stark

Lyanna Stark


Died giving birth to Jon Snow.

Khal Drogo

Khal Drogo Dead

Ned Stark

Eddard Stark

Got his head chopped off.

Robb Stark

Dead Robb

This one really broke my heart. Couldn’t believe what I was reading when I made it to the passage in the books.

Catelyn Stark

Catelyn Stark

Got her throat sliced. In the show, she stays dead. In the books…

Tywin Lannister

Dead Tywin

Got a crossbolt in his belly while trying to have a quiet evening in the bathroom.

Joffrey Baratheon/Lannister

Dead Joffrey

Poisoned at his own wedding. Tough luck.



Got arrowed.

Oberyn Martell

Oberyn Martell

Got his face smashed the f*** in.

Hodor… Just Hodor

Dead Hodor

Died casually leaning on a door.

Margaery Tyrell

Dead Margaery

Burned down in a gush of wildfire.

Ramsay Bolton/Snow

Dead Ramsay Bolton

Shireen Baratheon

Dead Shireen

Turned into toast.

The Waif

The Waif Dead

Met Arya, tried to kill her, should have known better.

Arthur Dayne

Arthur Dayne

Died like a knight should: With a sword in his hand.

For more dead GOT characters and other works by ertacaltinoz, check out his gallery. For less depressing Game of Thrones art which doesn’t follow the show but the A Song of Ice and Fire books, check out this gallery.