15 Deliciously Geeky Nintendo Cakes

Every now and then, which means every day pretty much, somewhere around the world someone makes a Nintendo Inspired Cake, be it the console itself, or one of the characters (mostly Mario) from the legendary stock of well, umm … Legends.

Well, as a new mega-awesome cake appeared on the Webwaves, with Mario, Luigi, Peach, Link, Megaman and Donkey Kong all in one delicious looking bakery, it was a good excuse to round up the best Nintendo-esque Cakes ever made.

Best Cake Ever


The best one ever – The system, remote control, Mario, Luigi, Megaman, Princess Peach, Link and even Donkey Kong making an appearance.

The Classic Look

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No characters, no games, simply the best gaming console ever made.

The Controller Cake

As expected, the greatest (and simplest) controller deserves a cake all by himself. This one actually looks rather edible.

The Mario Kart Cake

Wii Cake

Carrying on with a little more modern twist, the Wii, with a rather unappealing blue color, gets a cake as well.

Bulbasaur Cake

A strong contender for Nintendo’s most successful franchise, Pokemon, represented by my favorite Pokemon, who’s been described once as the Carmed Sandiego of Pokemon figures, Bulbasaur.

The DS Cake

Moving on with the consoles, it’s due time we get the DS up here, although it does look like the least tasty cake of all those we’ve put here on display.

Brothers and Best Buds

Stars, Clouds, question Mark Blocks and on top of it all, the best two brothers in the world, Mario & Luigi.

The Hylian Shield

Well, on to another franchise, and legend, with a double meaning. But you don’t have to put an actual character to make the reference awesome. This Hylian Shield from The Legend of Zelda is more than enough to make this one super cool.

Zelda Cake

Megaman Cakes

The coolest thing about Megaman is that he always seems angry to me, which is always preferable to a mild mannered hero. That edge, which is portrayed in his cakes, make him the best Nintendo character IMO.

Last AND Least, Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong is also the first appearance of the Mario character, four years before the appearance of Super Mario Bros.