Gmail is one of the best mail services on the net, used by thousands of companies, school, and individuals around the world in their day to day lives. With it’s newest update, it aims to make it a little easier to stay connected, as well as make it look a little more awesome.
Gmail is a wonderful email client, on for on-the-go there really isn’t much better. While some may use a dedicated app on their smart phone, some still prefer the in browser, mobile version of Gmail. With it’s newest update, the guys and gals over at Google decided to spice it up a little bit to keep users interested by not only making it look more streamline, but also function more streamline.
One noticeable thing is the apps new higher resolution interface. For those of us who have phones with higher resolution screens, the images are now much more crisp and not so pixelated. Very minor, but still a nice treat for the eyes.
Next, Gmail has integrated a “pull down to refresh” feature. This feature is popular in many top social networking apps, and it only makes sense that Google would try and incorporate this into their application.
Lastly, Google has implemented new transitions into Gmail. While this is purely for aesthetics, much like the higher resolution images, it just gives the users a reminder of the ease of access and quickness of Gmail as a whole. For more news on Google, check out Grab Your Google+ Vanity URL Before It’s Too Late and Google Stages an Email Intervention.