Google Maps Makes Cool Video to Promote New Features

If you’re a regular reader, you’re probably more than familiar with Google Maps. As useful as it is, it’s about as exciting to writing about as Chex Mix (even if it’s delicious). But Google’s released a cool new video to promote some new features.

The video’s part of their new “Start Here” campaign. A couple of people are shown manipulating a  map of New York City, guiding a bouncy ball, visiting everything from a burger joint, to a shopping mall, to a barber shop, while showing off Google’s new mobile app (for Android, of course). The ball mirrors the icon shown in the app, showing where the user is in the real world, navigating traffic and receiving driving directions. Finally, the ball ends up at Brooklyn Bowl, knocking down some bowling pins.


It’s a neat demo, to be sure, and Google’s introduced some nifty features, such as the ability to search indoors in airports. That’ll come in handy on your next layover, to be sure, even if they can’t help with weather delays or crying babies on your flight.

If you’re looking for more Google stuff, check out our list of 7 geeky Google Easter eggs. You might also wan to check out our post on Google’s Flight Search.