Google brings its 7th Toolbar to Browsers Everywhere

God knows getting die-hard IE and Firefox fans to switch to Chrome is nearly impossible, so the fact Google Toolbar 7 debuted earlier this week is a shining light for those missing out on Google’s own browser features.

With Toolbar 7,  all of Chrome’s search benefits are available to you no matter the browser preference. This includes the likes of instant search results, even when you’re on a different web page. Results will now instantly pop up when you type into the search field, even if you’re busy surfing Walyou or the like. If you want to go back to your web page, just his escape. You can also choose whether or not to have Instant Search settings on or off.

In addition you can highlight your search term in the results to make spotting what you’re looking for much easier. You can find all of this information and more in Google’s informative tutorial below:


Google’s quick scroll feature is a pretty fun additive as well. This allows you to rely on Google to scroll down to your most relevant results. Still, it can be a bit risky, as you’ll have to have a bit of faith that your Google search term is not so obscure that Google has a problem matching what you’re looking for. Whatever the result, it’s definitely a fun way to be even lazier on the Internet.

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Toolbar personalizing options and updated Privacy settings have also been boosted in this update, allowing a cleaner look with the ability to add hotlinks as well as keep your searches anonymous. One of the more important improvements is, of course, compatibility with Windows 7. Google has increased toolbar performance within the IE8 and 9 browsers.

Google Toolbar 7 works with IE8 and 9, as well as Mozilla Firefox and can be downloaded here. English among other languages should be available for the new application in the coming days.

For more recent Google Innovation, check out the Google Self-Driving Car or the hilarious Google Chromercise.

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Via: Google