Robotics expert Yoshizaki demonstrates how to operate the arm of a giant "Kuratas" robot in Tokyo - Walyou
Home Japanese Man’s Wildest Dreams Materialize as a Gargantuan Robot Robotics expert Yoshizaki demonstrates how to operate the arm of a giant “Kuratas” robot in Tokyo

Robotics expert Yoshizaki demonstrates how to operate the arm of a giant “Kuratas” robot in Tokyo

Robotics expert Watanaru Yoshizaki demonstrates how to operate the arm of a giant "Kuratas" robot at an exhibition in Tokyo November 28, 2012. The four-meter-high, limited edition, made-to-order robot is controlled through a pilot in its cockpit, or via a smartphone. REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon
A man looks at a giant “Kuratas” robot at an exhibition in Tokyo

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