Kamigami Are Origami Robots You Can Build Yourself

If you’re looking for some blazing-fast robots that you can assemble, program and develop without additional help, then look no further than the Kamigami origami robots.

Because of their design and the way they can be programmed, the Kamigami origami robots are ideal for people who are making their first steps into the world of robotics, be them grown-ups or teenagers. Obviously, the latter could learn to love this area and might even end up pursuing a career in robotics. By the looks of it, the Kamigami are the ideal thing that could ever result upon combining robots and remote controlled cars. Sure, their incredible speed might have something to do with that first impression.


The DIY part is only a portion of the satisfaction the Kamigami robot could bring you and your kids. Upon finishing building it, users can proceed to programming the robot with game and behaviors that entertain the entire family. Do you prefer a robot that moves around like a cat, or do you fancy a cockroach behavior more? Once you decide, you can implementing the behavior.

Programming the robot, along with controlling it around the house, is done using a mobile app that works on both Android and iOS, regardless if you prefer smartphones or tablets. Some of the games that can be implemented included Battle, Sumo, Freeze Tag, Race, Chase, or Herding Sheep.

Mobile devices communicate with the Kamigami origami robots using Bluetooth. In other words, the robots should be within 30m or 100 feet away from the mobile device, in order for them to respond to commands. As for the amount of time you can play around with these robots, the included rechargeable battery requires 30 minutes for a full charge which then is enough for up to 45 minutes of playing around.

The chassis, which at first looks like something people could 3D print at home, is in fact made of a plastic-fabric composite that Dash Robotics invented (and hopefully patented). This makes the structure not only lightweight, but also very durable. On top of that, the chassis includes flexible hinges that are frictionless, small, and don’t wear.

Basically, it’s these flexible joints that set the Kamigami origami robots apart from the others. These make the robots easy to build and fun to play with, and both of these aspects will undoubtedly be appreciated by both kids and grown-ups. The electronics, gearbox and motors are also of high-quality, even though this might not be reflected in the small price of the kit.

Dash Robotics have turned to Kickstarter to get the Kamigami origami robots funded. Backers can pledge $49 or more to receive a Kamigami in March 2016, assuming that the funding goal of $50,000 is reached by the time the crowdfunding campaign ends, which is November 20.

Be social! Follow Walyou on Facebook and Twitter, and read more related stories about the bakable robots, the next logical step according to MIT researchers, or the RC WALL-E replica that moves, makes sounds, but doesn’t clean up waste.

[via Kickstarter]