Pac-man Arcade: Bring Pac-Man & Others Home With You

We’re not rich enough to have empty spaces in our tiny apartments, but if we did, what we’d love to do is to fill that up with a classic arcade machine.

The master artisans/designers at PB Teens are now bringing to Europe (and everywhere, as long as you can afford it) an arcade cabinet, themed with a Pac-man motive, but packed with games. Now you can relieve some classics such as Galaga, Pac-man, or MS. Pac-Man from the warmth of your home, without wasting any quarters nor waiting in line for other players to finish. Hell yeah.


Now you can get an unbeatable high-score without any issues, and keep it on top forever, as no one will be able to contest it. Seriously, that’s the only way we’d make it last.

Via: KlonBlog

There’s more room for the classics if you check out 10 Awesome Things: Contra’s 25th Anniversary and Minuscule Fully Operational Arcade Plays Star Wars Game.