We’re not rich enough to have empty spaces in our tiny apartments, but if we did, what we’d love to do is to fill that up with a classic arcade machine.
The master artisans/designers at PB Teens are now bringing to Europe (and everywhere, as long as you can afford it) an arcade cabinet, themed with a Pac-man motive, but packed with games. Now you can relieve some classics such as Galaga, Pac-man, or MS. Pac-Man from the warmth of your home, without wasting any quarters nor waiting in line for other players to finish. Hell yeah.
Now you can get an unbeatable high-score without any issues, and keep it on top forever, as no one will be able to contest it. Seriously, that’s the only way we’d make it last.
Via: KlonBlog
There’s more room for the classics if you check out 10 Awesome Things: Contra’s 25th Anniversary and Minuscule Fully Operational Arcade Plays Star Wars Game.