Rare eBay Item – PaRappa The Rapper Toaster

“You gotta believe” that this PaRappa the Rapper toaster is one unique gaming collectable.

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I don’t get to eat much breakfast food items, but when I do, toast seems to hit the spot like a lazy Sunday afternoon. Now would I bid $250 dollars for toast? Probably not, but the specifics behind this toast-making machine is too great to pass up advertising.

With around 24 hours to go, you can bid on this PaRappa the Rapper Official Space Age Printing Toaster. Yeah, funky name for just a toaster, but recalling how funky the PlayStation One game was, no surprises here, especially being a gnarly shade of orange.

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This wacky toaster is actually an officially licensed product, and as eBay seller xdeath_5 claims, is super rare. Those metal panels you see are supposed to stamp the faces of PaRappa, Sunny, and a frog(?) on your bread, which would be an awesome selling point if it worked well in practice.

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It sadly doesn’t – a shame really – but seeing how this priceless item should be approached as a collectable, I really don’t think you should be making much toast with it. Definitely, for the current bidding price of $250. You can get a lot of toasters for that much money.

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