Paypal Adds “Photo Checking” For Android App

There are few companies that are as synonymous with the internet the way Paypal is. Perhaps only Google is more well known as being a web presence and because of this the company is both loved and hated.

We have seen plenty of people poke fun at Paypal, with one company even going so far as to create a Monopoly game that uses Paypal as one of the spaces that will cost you money should you land on it. Of course, there is quite a bit of love for the company simply because as they have matured and as the internet has matured the company has become ever more useful.


The company is so well leaned on that we here at Walyou have even proclaimed it as one of the most essential Android apps and we’re far from the only site that takes that view of the company. Paypal’s newest advancement is only going to cement it as one of the best companies on the web, at least as far as Android users go. In their company blog post, Paypal announced on their blog that the newest additions to their Android Paypal app would allow users to deposit money into their Paypal account simply by taking a picture of the check. A smaller advance, but one that can be important to users to put a lot of apps on their phone is that the Paypal app is now able to be moved and saved to the phone’s SD card, freeing up memory space on the phone itself.

The ability to merely sign your check and take a few pictures has actually been available for iPhone users since 2010 but Paypal is quick to point out that the lag in features for Android users has less to do with favoring the iPhone as it does with Apple’s Smartphone simply being around longer. The ability to add funds to your Paypal account with the mere picture of a check truly does seem like something out of a science fiction movie and the ability for so many more users to do so can only grow the popularity and use of the service.