The Importance to Play at Work [Infographic]

The monotony of a day-to-day job can get to everyone at some point, and some employers seek to spice up their workplace with various means of fun and excitement. What is the connection with video games and work, and how can this “play-time” help improve productivity?

Doing the same task day after day after day will get boring no matter what the situation is. The luster that an activity once had will eventually lose it’s alluring factors as one seeks to replace that activity with something new and fresh. Thankfully we have seen examples from companies giving their employees (their bread and butter) everything they could need to prevent this (e.g. Google’s amazing Googleplex). A lot of big technology companies are catching on to this craze, and it really seems to only help their productivity!

Thanks to an infographic by Socialcast, it is easy to see how gaming and the workplace relate! Many everyday activities that one does can really relate to gaming in one way in another, especially when seeking instant gratification. One of the most striking facts in the infographic is the percent of workers that know their companies mission and goals, a lowly 7%. While the game industry is booming, the economy itself isn’t exactly a shining star, though there is potential. Through the infographic, the creators suggest five ways that games can help your business (and of course relating those to gaming), and those are:

  1. Energize your workforce (an increase to Power): Provide employees with a sense of purpose and aspiration for tasks that are repetitive and dull.
  2. Drive performance improvement (an increase to Stamina): Provide timely feedback so people know how they’re doing so they can improve.
  3. Innovate organically (an increase to Innovation): Drive innovation by capitalizing on geographic and temporal diversity of workforce to foster new ideas.
  4. Motivate teams (an increase to Bonus Points):  Arrange motivating teamwork by defining what individuals get when the team wins.
  5. Identify emerging leaders (a Level Up!): Level the playing field to allow new ideas to bubble up from workers with little access to senior leadership.

With people seeking cooperative gameplay rather than competitive gameplay by a factor of three, it only makes sense to give employees the game-like environment that they seek in a world that is increasingly becoming more and more game-centric. Hopefully you can put this information to good use and improve your company, but to see all of the results and facts, check out the full infographic below!

Via: Bit Rebels