Printable Robot Tutor Is Your Child’s New 24hr Tutor

Nowadays, thanks to the increased literacy rate among the populace and competition in every field, especially in education it’s increasing drastically. People want their children to top in school and for that; they don’t leave any stone unturned. Apart from school, sending them to tutorials or calling tutors at home has literally become a trend. I am not against the study part but I wouldn’t completely agree with the tutorials.

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They come, teach for a specific time and as there are too many children in a tutorial, the teacher is unable to concentrate and mostly tries to complete his portion rather than seeing what the child has learned. That’s when Mintpass’s magical robot saves the day.This is “Printable Robot Tutor” which can be called as the most advanced tutor in present day.


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This cute little device is a sheer example of a creation, which can only happen when a killer concept meets uber cool technology. Mintpass staff has made a pro tutor out of it. Parents have to just record the portion which they want their child to learn and then, as soon as the play button will be pressed, this device will start doing its work.

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It also includes an inkjet printer module through which, it can print out almost anything. From quizzes, outlines of pictures, alphabets to almost any shape present in this world. It has even been installed with a mechanism which is mostly used in present day’s robotic vacuum cleaners. This mechanism enables the device to move freely without banging any where.

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This shows that technology is inevitable. And for those tutors looking at this article, don’t worry. This device is there to support you and not take your place because after all, a robot can never take the place of a human being, but can still be a Robot Servant.

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You can even take a look at Infinite USB Concept and Nekura Twilight watch some good concepts, you will like.