Rounds Entertainment Platform Reaches 1,000,000 Monthly Active Users

Rounds launched its Facebook application, Video Chat Rounds, late last year and has been growing in popularity ever since.

Its user growth comes as a result of continuous efforts to improve the rich and entertaining experience that users enjoy. The interactivity and entertainment value of the application has been the key to its offering and success.


Rounds is the only live entertainment platform that was built from the ground up with social applications as an integral part of the video chat experience. With more than 30 unique games and activities, Rounds users are now participating in over 650,000 daily video chat sessions.

We’ve mentioned rounds before here , since they are good friends of ours, and we are very happy to celebrate with them their 1,000,000 monthly active users that are enjoying their fantastic  Video Chat on Facebook each month.

If you are still not familiar with this fun Facebook chat platform make sure to check out our previous coverage: Rounds Video Chat Interaction: Now on Facebook  and Rounds Awesome Video Chat is Launching Random Rounds Feature