Awesome Fan Designed Original Star Wars Trilogy Posters

A graphic designer put together an awesome set of Star Wars posters that tribute the original trilogy in an awesome and cartoony way.

star wars new hope poster

The original Star Wars trilogy had some of the most memorable movie posers out there. Right off the bat you knew who the good guys were, as well as the bad. Loaded with detail, everything about them spoke pure epicness. Those posters basically said that if you didn’t immediately go watch these movies then you were missing out on life buddy.


It’s rather nice then to be able to see some fan designed posters that actually capture some of this original awesomeness, and sprinkle it with both love and humor that most fans will pick up on. Usually I’m not really one to go for the over the top cartoony look, but something this guy’s managed to pull it off pretty well.

star wars empire strikes back poster

According to Nerd Approved, these posters were designed by an artist named Christopher Lee, who curiously happens to share names with a certain British actor who played Count Dooku in episodes II and III.

It honestly looks like he had a great time putting these posters together, and managed to avoid making them look too cheesy or a bad parody. These posters are tributes through and through, and the artist certainly has talent. I also love the little bits of memorable dialogue that made their way into the designs, including everything from Obi-Wan’s description of the cantina crowd, princess Leia’s insults that she directs towards Han and the fan favourite “It’s a trap!” It might actually be a lot of fun to see how many references you get.

star wars return of the jedi poster

Apparently these babies go for $35, and would probably make a nice addition to any nerd den that’s already crowded with Star Wars memorabilia. It would be hella nice to have these three on a wall facing the original posters, but maybe that’s just me thinking here.

In other news, also be sure to check out some Luke and Vader Lightsaber Tattoos and some Geeky Oven Mitts.