Surreal “Flowing” Desk

A Turkish company has designed an awesomely surreal desk that appears to “flow.”

Nüvist came up with the Volna table Instead of the usual boring straight lines, the company has opted for a bizarre design that makes it look like some kind of liquid. It looks a lot like the ’60s version of the future.

Volna table


“It was very important to create soft and serene experience in the tangible and the visual sense for this type of table design,” the company said. “The new technologies and the modern materials were the main ingredients for the creation and these provide us to design an unbroken continuous form. In this way, Volna Table has met both the functionality and a unique elegance look and it has been shaped like a wave and features an incessant flow.”

Volna Table 2

Volna Table 3

It’s an arresting design, available in several different colors. It seems like something Apple might have come up with if they made furniture instead of electronics. If these things actually made it into offices, it would have to be cost-effective to use them over regular desks. These desks may look cool, but if there’s a choice between style and functionality, most businesses will opt for the latter.

You might also like our post on a futuristic cubicle, the Tetra Shed. Don’t miss our list of gadgets to help you survive your workday, either.