The Many Faces of Heisenberg

Very soon, in just less than a week, the best show in the history of television is going to end. Breaking Bad will air its final episode, and with it, will say goodbye to the best leading man/villain ever seen on the screen, Walter White, or Heisenberg in certain circles.

In a show that has transformation as one of its main themes, none is greater than the one the protagonist (or antagonist?) undertakes, turning from a chemistry teacher into a Meth kingpin. However, in a show as deep and complex as Breaking Bad, with a character that’s a lot more than just these two persons, there’s much more than simply Walter White or Heisenberg.


The most bad ass person West of the Mississippi. The East coast version isn’t too impressive so far.


For when you need to mourn your brother in-law getting shot in the head.


When all you wanna do is cook and a fly is driving you nuts.


When you can’t find the light.


When you really need to find out what Gus is doing right now.


When you’re acting like the cute dad with your daughter.


When you plan on poisoning the life out of someone, infant or adult.


When you realize the pizza you tossed in a fit of anger isn’t a nice decoration piece for the house.


When Mike doesn’t want you to mess things up.


When you’re about to scare the life out of a lawyer.


When life was simpler and better.

For some more awesome Breaking Bad stuff, check out the Citizen Brick LEGO Breaking Bad Meth Lab Playset or the Breaking Bad Bathing Salts: Meth Is Classy After All.

Via: Imgur