Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year; a time for family, food and presents – lots of presents … including horrible, painfully ugly Christmas sweaters. They say so in a song, so you can’t really argue about it. All the family together, drunk cousins making out under the mistletoe, NBA Games to watch trying to avoid those family members you hate. Truly a blessed occasion.
The best thing about Christmas, especially as a kid, are the gifts. Toys, computer games or simply cash your grandparents give you, there’s nothing like unwrapping a present to discover something really cool inside. Well, life does throw you a few curve balls from time to time, even on Christmas. You know what we’re talking about. The Christmas sweaters.
Mrs. Weasley isn’t the only parent in the world that thinks ugly x-mas sweaters are cool. Aunts, Grandmas or just people hoping to destroy you social standing will be sending those, no matter how bad the coloring combination looks, no matter how idiotic you look like once the photos go up on Facebook.
Reminder – Stop wearing these. They aren’t funny, they don’t make us smile. Offensive, ugly. A terrible cultural phenomenon. Lets continue.
Dear family members and friends. I solemnly swear I will severe any ties I have to the one person who sends me anything like this ever again.
Parents, aunts, annoying adults. I hope we’ve given you some good ideas on how to humiliate your children this Christmas.