Water-Cooled PC Built Into Desk

You’ve heard of a desktop PC, but what about a PC that actually is a desk?

A guy named Peter in The Netherlands has built what might be the ultimate desk machine. He’d had problems with overheating, was developing back trouble from lifting his PC case, and needed a new desk, so Peter decided to kill three birds with one stone, building a water-cooled computer into a desk.

Desk PC 1


The machine, dubbed “L3P Desk,”  has a 4.5 Ghz Intel Core i7-980X, two ASUS GeForce GTX 580 cards, 12 TB of storage, and a 1,500 watt power supply, all built into a transparent desktop enclosure. As any good case mod requires, he’s installed some pretty lights into the desk/case as well, showing off the fluorescent cooling fluid. It was his entry into the Cooler Master 2011 Case Mod Competition. If this thing doesn’t win, than nothing should.

Desk PC 2

He’d had problems with overheating, was developing back trouble from lifting his PC case, and needed a new desk, so Peter decided to kill three birds with one stone, building a water-cooled computer into a desk.

He can probably get some serious gaming done, of course, with the lights turned off so he can marvel over his awesome creation. The hard drive space should hold plenty of games, music and video, that he certainly paid for and downloaded from legitimate channels, supposing that he still has some money left over from building this monster machine. And since the machine is liquid-cooled, it all runs as silent as a whisper.

We’ve got a whole bunch of posts related to case mods here on Walyou. For the musicians out there, there’s the Computer Piano Case Mod. If you like things that light up, here’s an Illuminated PC Case Mod. For liquid cooling of a different variety, check out The Beer Keg Case Mod.

Via: Engadget/Lifehacker/Cooler Master