The New Chic Geek Accessory at a Wedding: An Infographic

Ah, amour. Is there anything else like it? Especially in the case of the true geek, not quite. That’s why the most amazing event is the geek wedding. And what better way to share your special day with everyone then to put the road of your relationship up in one awesome wedding infographic?

Well, as the founder of Walyou and co-founder of, our very own Tal Siach really had no other option than to start getting crafty after his beautiful fiancee (now wife!) agreed to marry our top geek.


With the help of Raj Kamal, data visualization designer extraordinaire, Tal created the ultimate way to show his own story of geek love – a wedding infographic.

wedding infographic

The wedding infographic is more than just a visualization of their relationship together; it is the epitome of visual storytelling. The story of Limor and Tal, including their background, family, peculiarities and quirks shows the progression of how life has made an impact on who they are, but who they will become is to be determined together from their wedding on.

geek wedding
The happy couple with their infographic at the wedding.

Infographics have a certain affinity with geek culture. It helps us explain who we are, what we like while offering a more easily understandable – and fun – way to visualize data and storytelling. They’ve taken off in the past couple of years, soaring their way into the world of respectable journalism (but still providing the occasionally light-hearted attitude to daily life) … even to a point where’s create a Marketplace where anyone can go to work with a qualified designer and create an infographic.

The Love Story of Seren & Marc, shown below, is the same infographic (specific names/places/dates changed for privacy) that was featured at the entrance to Tal and Limor’s wedding. In addition to just a straight-forward visualization of their life ‘data,’ they’ve hidden a few ‘Easter eggs’ of information for the benefit – well, at least inside joke – of various groupings of friends and family.

Wedding Infographic

by Raj Kamal.
Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually.

Are you feeling the love? Keep calm, carry on and check out more of our coolest geek wedding posts: Get some ideas from these 15 Geek Proposals, take a look at 10 Weird Weddings and don’t miss our Ultimate Guide to Geek Weddings.