100-year-old Woman Loves Playing Nintendo DS

When I was a kid, I’d never thought I would be able to play video games when I was a grown-up. Now it’s accepted as a thing for adults to do. One Scottish woman has made the most of it. Would you believe she’s a 100 years old?

Kathleen “Kit” Connell says playing the Nintendo DS helps keep her brain active. Speaking in a video for the Small World News Service, she says her daughter helped procure the device for her on the Internet. “I don’t feel a day over 80,” she said.

Her favorite game is “Brain Age.” She’s managed to work her way down to a mental age of 64. Suck on that, Paul McCartney! For someone who’s old enough to have played Nintendo’s playing cards when the company made them instead of video games, she’s not doing too bad. The grandmother even wore out her first one and had to get a replacement.

Connell enjoys playing with her DS so much she often finds it’s 10 p.m. and time for bed, an experience gamers much younger than she is can relate to.

It seems that the DS and “Brain Age” appear to be working. Even at 100, she’s still able to live independently despite having had both legs amputated.

Connell also believes that devices like the Nintendo DS should replace textbooks in schools, an idea that some schools are actually picking up on with the shift to digital textbooks.

For another heartwarming video game-related story, check out this GameStop story. For a tech-related story involving very early life, here’s a post on a book that teaches HTML to babies.