NES Games Emulator on the Game-800 PMP


These days people look for gadgets that serve all their needs without having to carry a number of gizmos all over the place. The Game-800 PMP seeks to address these issues and thus handles all your gaming and media requirements. This colorful PMP comes with a built-in games emulator and you can go ahead and play NES, Famicon, Gameboy and Gameboy Color. It also allows the user to play Sega Mega Drive games.

Now coming to the media capabilities, it comes with a unique text to speech e-book reader and supports English and Chinese languages. With about 4 GB of built in storage and 8GB of SD memory card enabled storage, you can play many videos and movies. Of course, you can listen to all the music you would ever want to.



The Game-800 PMP comes in amazing colors and you could choose the one that fancies you the most. If only the display were a little larger than its 3.5 inches, I guess it would have been a lot better. Nevertheless it is a great product and costs $80. Once you get hold of this PMP you could also try getting yourself a Free NES Game.

Via: Geekygadgets