Space Invader Alien Snow Sculpture

Space Invader sculture japan

Snow festivals are held every year in February in the town of Hokkaido in Japan, and this Space Invader Alien Sculpture was found standing tall by Jbernhardt at the Annual Sapporo and Otaru Snow Festival 2008. Isn’t it amazing that retro gaming icons are finding place in culture of the country where they originated from? Of course Japan is a land of geek culture but yet it seems intriguing that artists should be inspired by Space Invader Alien to sculpt it in snow for an annual festival.

It is not known what exact statement artist intended to make by sculpting this huge alien who is shot down mercilessly in the Space Invader game. But aliens and characters from virtual world are indeed invading our consciousness.


They are engaging us in the virtual world with tricky geeky games and are invading our homes as various product designs. Virtual has become more real than ever before. These retro gaming characters began it all and no doubt they are inspiring artists, sculptors and claiming their rightful place in the cultural milieu.

You could also check out Space Invaders Designer Cushions and Space Invaders Baskets to help you manage your house in a better fashion. I am sure these would bring the Space Invader feel to your home if you can’t bring the snow sculpture home.