Top 194 Geeky Christmas Trees and Ornaments 2009

geeky christmas trees decorations ornaments 2009

Christmas is coming in just under 2 weeks, and with it there are so many beautiful decorations of amazing Christmas Trees and Ornaments that always put a smile on a child’s face.

In order to join the festivities and make sure no one misses out on some of the best Christmas Ornaments and Tree Decorations, we gathered here a huge collection of 194 images that is sure to excite every boy and girl…especially if they are little geeks.


A short gallery of images was included in this post that provides a bigger picture of what awaits you. This way, you can select which are your favorite and most cater to your holiday spirit. All we know is that as long as you are a geek, you will love these, for it doesn’t matter if you like Comic Books, Star Wars, Anime or Video Games…there is a collection that will deliver its dues. Moreover, each collection mentioned details what is within the post and also provides the source of the artist, photographer, designer, etc. This also means that if you are hoping to get your hands on a specific Christmas ornament or need directions how to get a Holiday Tree decorated a certain way…that may be the best direction to take.

Lastly, if you have come across or own some amazing Ornaments or decorations, we would love to see them. And please remember to comment below if there are specific ones from the collection which are your favorite.

*Click on each image below to open all pics in one page

Comic Book Christmas Ornaments (24 Pics)

comic book christmas ornaments collection 2009

Comic Book Christmas Ornaments

Comic Book geeks would get a kick out of this Christmas collection, for it includes some of the greatest Superheroes from Marvel, DC Comics and even Dark Horse. The specific list brings together Wolverine, Batman, Spiderman, Superman, the Incredible Hulk, some Xmen Characters (in addition to Wolverine) such as Emma Frost, Mystic and Cyclops. Even more, Iron Man and Hellboy have also joined the festivities, so no rock is left unturned.

Star Wars Christmas Ornaments (38 Pics)

star wars christmas ornaments collection 2009

Star Wars Christmas Ornaments

Any Star Wars geek would appreciate the effort put together to create this specific Ornaments collection, for it includes so many various characters and in different time periods of the saga. This Star Wars post consists of the Skywalker Family with Luke, Leia and Anakin, the Antagonists Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine, the droids R2D2 and C3PO and also some of the famous Star Wars fighters. Moreover, the popular Boba Fett and Yoda are also present, along with some Action scenes and additional inspirational pieces.

Geeky Christmas Trees (18 Pics)

geeky christmas trees collection 2009

Geeky Christmas Trees

The Geeky Christmas Trees collection here includes an amazing variety of some of the most creative ideas for trees, such as a tree made of hard drives, an OLED tree, the Pacman Christmas tree, some made of Lego, paper and even Kegs. Since the only theme that brings all these Christmas Trees together is Geekiness, the best suggestion is to just take a look for yourself.

Anime Christmas Ornaments (21 Pics)

anime christmas ornaments collection 2009

Anime Christmas Ornaments

A wonderful collection that is tailored to those who are fans of Anime and Manga. With many Anime girls celebration Xmas as decorative ornaments and some of the popular shows brought to life, this is something an Anime fan should not miss out on. The Anime list includes Lucky Star, Haruhi Suzumiya, Bishojo, Kodama, Amigurumi, Yotsuba Koiwai, Naruto, Bleach, The Adventures of Hamtaro, Domo Kun, and also beautiful Kokeshi Dolls.

Video Games Christmas Ornaments (29 Pics)

video games christmas ornaments collection 2009

Video Games Christmas Ornaments

I know that most gamers can’t wait for Christmas, hoping that new gaming consoles, popular games, console accessories and other extras may end up under their tree. Well, we won’t find that out until the 25th, but until then, here is a huge list of Video Games themed ornaments that would allow gamers to celebrate in style. The list includes actual console inspired Ornaments of the PS3, NES and Xbox 360, gaming controllers shaped ornaments, Pacman, Galaga, Super Mario Brothers characters, Gears of War, Nintendo themed and also Mega Man decorations for the holiday.

Cool and Weird Christmas Trees (41 Pics)

cool weird christmas trees collection 2009

Coolest and Weirdest Christmas Trees

As if the above Christmas Trees, Ornaments and Decoration haven’t been weird enough for you, here is an additional list of Trees that is just plain odd. It is made up of some Christmas trees from around the world, large trees, weird trees made of Mountain Dew and Beer, Upside Down trees, scary trees, Eco-friendly trees, Metallic trees, Avant-Garde ones, Haute-couture trees, artificial ones and also a few additional geeky ones to finish the large collection.

Geeky Christmas Ornaments (23 Pics)

geeky christmas ornaments collection 2009

Geeky Christmas Ornaments

These ornaments are pretty much a mixture of different kinds of characters from many different themes, including techy and geeky decorations. Some noted ones are the Star Wars M&M’s, Predator (with or without Face Mask), Star Trek, Harry Potter, Futurama, and also Mini LED Tree shaped ornaments.

We hope you enjoyed the Huge Collection of Christmas Trees, Ornaments and Decorations, and we wish you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!