Bacon and Spam Cakes Look Delicious

For those of you wondering if there really is a magic recipe for making Spam taste good, look no further than Debbie’s cake creations which make you salivate and also amazed. True, the dish isn’t actually made of Spam at all, but it’s the thought that counts, right? This Spam can is actually made out of cake, right down to the fork sitting next to it.


And forget frilly wedding designs full of flowers and lace, when it’s time for the groom’s cake what man wouldn’t be happy to have a slab of bacon immortalized in fondant? I’d love to see the look on the guests’ faces when the bacon is cut into to reveal the bakery underneath and when they discover that even the cutting board is edible!

In this age of super healthy eating, there’s only one way to put bacon even further up the no-no listen than it already is: make it out of pure sugar. That’s what Debbie did for this fried eggs and bacon cake. The bacon is formed sugar while eggs are made of chocolate cake. Over the sweet foundations, both portions are painted and glazed to realistic perfection.

We’ve all ooed and ahhed over beautiful birthday and wedding cakes but what I like about these cakes is not only their realism, but also their personality. It would take a special kind of person to put a bacon slab groom’s cake on display at their wedding and that’s a person I’d like to meet. There’s obviously a story that goes behind each of these designs that could never be conveyed in frosting writing on a traditional 12” round.

While we’re on the topic, I’d also like to know the full story behind the Pac Man wedding cake and why someone decided to invite Emperor Palpatine to their party.

I’m an avid watcher of The Food Network, not because I ever actually cook for myself but because I like to think that if the word as we know it comes to an end and take-out becomes non-existent, I would know how. “Cake Boss”, “Ace of Cakes”, and “Ultimate Cake Challenge” are some of my favorites (do you sense a theme?) and even with all the crazy designs I’ve seen on the shows, Debbie Does Cake really, ahem, takes the cake. Too cheesy? Sorry!