Top 12 Geeky Camera designs

    Cameras have surely become an integral part of human life. Look around and you will definitely find someone clicking away with his or her digital or mobile camera. From compact, sleek, and sexy designs to out-of-the-world weird looking gadgets, camera designs have come a long way.


    Technology has been a major factor in changing the way as to how we click and store pictures. Gone are the days when we had to convert photographic films to hard copies of images, storing them in photo album that would degrade with time. Digitalizing of images brought a revolution in the camera world, making storing and transfer of images a piece of cake.

    Lately, cameras have become not only an instrument to capture your memories but also a way of life. Nowadays, you have camera designs to suit your style and requirements. We have brought twelve of the most amazing camera designs for the geeky soul with a photography bug. Besides the weird Camera Designs we just saw, these cameras have re-defined photography with their unique and innovative designs and the way in which they capture images.


    What you see in the picture is not a volleyball being played by a group of people but actually a camera thrown into the air for capturing images. Is it difficult to digest? This is what makes Hakan Bogazpiner’s designed camera concept – Flee different from the regular ones. In fact, the camera helps you click photos which you wouldn’t be able to do otherwise.

    Nova DSLR

    Far from the series of rhomboidal structured and cylindrical lens camera, Nova DSLR is a camera concept designed to have twin arms making it look like a boomerang. Whether you are a left handed person or a right handed photographer, flexibility is what the camera has to offer. You almost feel you are holding a mobile, once you merge both the handles of the camera.

    Fleximus Concept Camera

    As you can see this camera is positioned on a flexible cable – closely resembling an endoscope. No, it’s not one of the equipments from a Doctor’s lab but a Fleximus Concept Camera introduced by Artlebedev. It offers a 12 megapixel resolution. And unlike the conventional camera designs, it allows you to attach itself to a three inch display or a compact view finder.

    Polaroid PIC 100

    When you take a look at your grandfather’s photographs, you are compelled to go down the memory lane – reminding you of all the beautiful moments you shared with him. But you also yearn to have that same Polaroid camera that reigned those days. How about this Polaroid PIC 100 with a rather modern look giving you the same white border classic pictures?

    Two-in-One Digital Camera Binoculars

    Specially designed for the wildlife enthusiasts and field researchers, this Two-in-One Digital Camera Binoculars uses special focusing technology to sharpen images on the digital camera. If not all, you can definitely store some important images and video using 8X magnification binocular and a 5 megapixel digital camera with an in built 16MB memory.

    VholdR and ContourHD Helmet Camera

    This helmet looking device is yet another geeky camera design sure to be a rage amongst the cyclists and skateboarders. VholdR and ContourHD helmet cameras offer a 2GB built in memory and a nifty side cam. Though an expensive one, the camera is the perfect option if you wish to capture all the actions happening live. It is definitely the device to be grabbed.

    Pinhole Lego Camera

    Pinhole Lego Camera defines nothing but creativity. This DIY camera design is for all those who have been waiting for some more gadgets inspired from Lego. The USP of this design is that its film advance knob turns only in one direction. Besides, the regular red window, the camera is also equipped with a film counter and a viewfinder.

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    Lego Bionicle Digital Camera

    You wouldn’t want your children to be holding hi-tech cameras while they are away on adventures, would you? It is not just the complicated application of such a camera but its price tag as well that you are worried about. Keeping your worries at bay is this Lego Bionicle Digital Camera – an inexpensive and amusing option for your children.

    Seitz 6×17 Digital Cam

    Is it too large to carry? Well, Seithz 6×17 Digital Cam is not just heavy but is also a gadget that might burn holes in your pockets. In fact, a user will have to use gigabit Ethernet to Seitz’s hi-tech computer system to store the large sized images that this unique camera captures. Definitely not meant for all, but this camera deserves a round of applause for its weird concept.

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    Phantom Flex

    Though I don’t belong to the photographers’ fraternity, I can’t stop praising this geeky camera- Phantom Flex. This high speed digital cinema camera includes a 4MP color CMOS sensor and a variety of compatible lenses, which captures a maximum resolution of 2560×1600, shooting at 1,560 frames-per-second, which can also be increased to 2,800. What more could you have asked for??

    Waterproof Sports Video Camera

    The speed with which you have been riding your bike, you wish simultaneously you could record all the movements around with a camera riveted on your helmet. ‘Impossible’ would have been the word if we would have been talking few decades earlier. However, today rapid technological development has made this possible. Take a look at this waterproof High Definition Sports Video Camera and you will understand what we are saying.

    World’s Fastest Digital Camera

    Would you believe if someone told you that a camera gives you 60 full-resolution photographs in one second? I am sure you will not. But once you read this you will surely believe me. This digital camera lets you capture images at a high speed CMOS with 6 million effective pixels. What’s more? You can record a video at speeds of 300, 600 and 1200 frames per second.