Star Wars Papercraft Stop Motion Video

We’ve come a long way since it was discovered that you can make stills into motion. We’ve developed many different kinds of animation styles and processes, a famous one being the paper cut out animation that is present in the crude and wildly popular TV show South Park.

It was a move away from the more realistic animation style of Disney, and concentrated on the more jagged movements. Regardless if this was an art choice or a budget choice, this animation style allowed the show to become famous without the entire team needed to make Disney animations. The creator of this short Star Wars animation adopted that style and used it in his own abridged version of the Star Wars trilogy.



This video is humorous in many ways, the most prominent being the soundtrack. The audio for this short clip is not dramatic at all. The humor in this is amplified more when compared with the movies, which have very dramatic music. Even people who did not watch the movie are familiar with the dramatic Star Wars theme, mainly because it always shows up in commercials.


Unless you are familiar with the first three Star Wars movies, this animation wouldn’t make much sense – even if you watched the terrible more recent movies. It concentrates on the first three, where it took major plots and most memorable scenes, and condensed them into a 3 min film.


The film has a cutesy light feel to it, which is interesting especially because of the dark subject matter that appears in it. Even the scene where Luke gets his hand cut has this feel to it. It does fit into the ending, where Darth Vader helps Luke out. The light music and soft animation style were perfectly fine.

For more awesome such Papercraft animation, check out the Mortal Kombat Stop Motion, the version of the Zelda Ppaercraft or the cute Super Mario.

Via: JeremySmith