24 Crazy Chainsaw Designs

When we think of Chainsaws, it is usually either the heavy duty hardware product or a bloody Horror movie, but in this particular case, it is neither. Here we gathered 24 crazy Chainsaw designs that consists of artwork, weird mods and cool gadgets that are very difficult to ignore, and would make you look at Chainsaws in a completely different manner.

Chainsaw Plush

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We have seen some Bloody Plush Toys before and although this particular Chainsaw Plush Toy doesn’t show a speck of Blood, I think it fits the theme. It even includes a severed and with it.


Hello Kitty Chainsaw

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Hello Kitty is always so adorable, but the Hello Kitty Chainsaw shows a different image of the harmless kitty.

Chainsaw Controller Design

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Back in the PS2 Days, some Chainsaw controllers were released for the Resident Evil game. They look cool at first sight, but if you think abut the practicality…they don’t seem to look like they would be too comfortable.


Chainsaw Motorcycle

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The Chainsaw Motorcycle from Dolmar is a great design that uses 24 Chainsaw to power up a functional motorcycle. It may not be the most practical bike, but no one can deny it looks absolutely amazing.

Video (loud):

Gears of War Lancer Replicas

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Fans of the Gears of War video game would appreciate the Lancer replicas, which of course include a chainsaw like section for extra brutality.

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John Riccio

Lego Chainsaw

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This is an actual working chainsaw that was built according to the one used by Jeeves of the Tremor Brothers in Smokin’ Aces. It will not be able to cut down any trees, but it is still a pretty cool creation that should have been in the collection of Lego Weapons we seen.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yFyNxPkk44


Knex Chainsaw Gun

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While Lego is still the most popular way to build toys, art and weapons, this Knex gun is highly impressive and is just as exciting.


Introducing the iSaw

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With the craze of different iGadgets and iGeneration products, here is a funny Chainsaw concept titled accordingly: the iSaw. This is a concept of the World’s First USB powered chainsaw, which makes no sense whatsoever 🙂


Chainsaw Cakes

There are many various cake designs for anything you could think of, so it is no surprise there are major Chainsaw fans which had Chainsaw cakes created as a Birthday, Anniversary and Party celebrations.

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Creative Cakes Cirencenter

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Natty Cakes

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Julian Family

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Bronte Cakes

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Robyn Loves Cake

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Rebekah MTZ

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Bronte Cakes

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Jodie Celebrations

Designer Chainsaws

Louis Vuitton and Fendi Chainsaws

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In case designer fashion doesn’t do it for you, but you still want something by the famed Louis Vuitton, then this Chainsaw is the answer. Still, I bet the price will be so high, you would think twice about cutting any trees down with it.


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At least you have some selection between the Designer chainsaw, with another fashionable one from Fendi.

Luminous Phenomenon

Resident Evil Chainsaw USB

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For the release of Resident Evil 5, Capcom released a limited edition version that includes the game, a making of movie and this cool and bloody Resident Evil USB Flash Drive.


Chainsaw Pizza Cutters

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We have seen some crazy Pizza Cutters before, and while this one is not as technical, it is a Chainsaw themed cutter that would make it even more fun to eat pizza.


LARP Chainsaw

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“A latex and foam-rubber chainsaw, with which to hit people in larps.”


Rocket Propelled Chainsaw

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With all the scare against Zombies, this is the ultimate design to fight them off…a rocket propelled chainsaw.
