Intriguing Lego Marijuana Art Exhibition

The argument against legalizing marijuana evokes strong sentiments on both sides, and it is quite understandable that either side wants to let go of their beliefs for or against marijuana.

With that in mind, art collective LAGO will kick-start its ‘Legolize It!’ exhibition on the 16th of May and is being touted as a LEGO marijuana art initiative. The exhibition will feature marijuana pots, bricks and paraphernalia built with LEGO building blocks and allows exhibition visitors to experience what buying medical marijuana will really feel like.

The exhibition could be understood as an attempt to help people experience the act of purchasing medical marijuana from legal vendors who have so far been vilified and hated.

Marijuana is used to treat excruciating pain that individuals with cancers often experience. However, marijuana is known to cause cancers and psychoses, despite its claimed benefits. It is also described as a gateway drug for teenagers who begin to smoke marijuana but end up doing harder drugs like heroin and cocaine.

Nevertheless, this art exhibition will find its supporters and is a really innovative method to bring the issue to light and speak for legalizing medical marijuana. You could also go ahead and take a look at the 3D Marijuana Cigarette Package and Marijuana ATM if you are crazy about grass.