Ocarina From Zelda In Full Glory + Other Goodies

The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time is one of the definitive Nintendo 64 titles, and now you can emulate Link thanks to these beautiful Ocarinas.

The mid 90s was the time when videogames moved from 2D and isometric views to 3d models on pre-rendered backgrounds, or full 3D thanks to titles like Super Mario 64, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy VII, or the title that concerns us in this article: The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This masterpiece told the story of Link, a little Kokiri boy (or so we thought…) and his quest to save the future. In order to solve some puzzles and activate mechanisms that enabled time-traveling, Link had to play tunes on Saria’s ocarina, and eventually Zelda’s very own Ocarina of Time.


The guys at STL Ocarina, an organization that aims to (in their own words) “help revive interest in the art of ocarina playing” did the clever thing and went for us, nostalgic Zelda fans, and developed some beautiful looking instruments that reminisce of the classic game with a quality, completely playable Ocarina.

Ocarina From Zelda 1

The blue ocarina is a replica of the Ocarina of Time, as seen in the iconic videogame, and has the Royal family of Hyrule logo (the Triforce) on it, in case anyone doubted what the reference was. If you are ready to start your very own adventure, be sure to have this on your inventory, you never know when you might need to play the Song of Storms or the Bolero of Fire. Go on, tiger, the world is listening!

And just in case you feel you need an extra Ocarina but with a different Zelda reference, they also created a rupee-shaped ocarina, in both red and green, depending on how greedy you are (20 rupees, or just one? Or is the green one a huge rupee, worth 100?)

Ocarina From Zelda 2

Yeah, we guess it’s a huge rupee, worth 100. Now head over to STL Ocarina and save us all, hero of time. We’ll just leave some rupees and hearts hidden in the grass to aid you in your quest.

If you need more Zelda in your life, head over here: Checkmate, Ganondorf: Zelda-Themed Chess set and Zelda Remastered For Your Smartphone.