130 Halloween Pumpkin Carvings for Your Inspiration


Halloween is arriving on our doorstep in just under three weeks, and it is always exciting to see the new Costumes which thrill us, the new Pumpkin Carvings that inspire us, and all the Haunted Houses that horrify us.

Update for Halloween 2010: 200 Pumpkin Carvings


Here we gathered the Ultimate Pumpkin collection that consists of 130 Halloween Pumpkin Carvings for Your Inspiration which hopefully give you some cool and creative ideas for Halloween 2009. It including Star Wars characters, Video Game themes, Geeky Pumpkin Faces, Horror Movie tribute pumpkin collection and also a Mixture that is perfect for everyone.

You can find a short gallery of images within this post linking to the original post and also a direct link to each of the collections, whichever is most up your alley. The thing is, it doesn’t matter if you are a Star Wars geek, a regular geek or no geek at all…each of the Pumpkin lists is filled with some of the most beautiful and creative Pumpkin Carvings artwork and creations and will not disappoint.

In order to know exactly what to look forward to, we broke each collection down for you. Also important to note is that there aren’t any repeats of any Pumpkins within each of the following posts and credit is provided to each artist for the respective Pumpkins.

By the way, if you are a Pumpkin artist yourself, we would love to hear from you and see the amazing Pumpkin carvings and art you have made.

Star Wars Characters Pumpkin Faces (22 Pics)

star wars halloween pumpkin carvings

Star Wars Characters Pumpkin Faces

All Star Wars fans would get such a thrill of all these different Pumpkin carvings that include 22 different images of the following Star Wars characters:
Boba Fett, Darth Vader, Chewbacca, Yoda, C3PO and R2D2, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Darth Maul, Emperor Palpatine, Jabba the Hut, Imperial Stormtrooper, and an amazing Death Star.

Geeky Halloween Pumpkin Carvings (25 Pics)

pumpkin carving geeks

Geeky Halloween Pumpkin Carvings

A true Geek’s inspiration, this actual Pumpkin collection would definitely provide many Halloween ideas for Geeks who want to profess their love for technology with a cool Pumpkin creation of their own.

These pumpkins consist of Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer, Google Android Logo, Michael Jackson, Patrick Swayze, Wolverine, the Joker, Iron Man, Hellboy, the Incredible Hulk, Venom, Spiderman, Ghost Rider, the Punisher, Transformers, Spock, Worf, and a few cool Harry Potter Characters.

Gaming Theme Pumpkin Art (21 Pics)

halloween pumpkins video game themes

Gaming Theme Pumpkin Art

This cool Halloween collection of Pumpkins is directed for gamers and those familiar with current and old school video games, for the Pumpkins include the gaming themes carved all over.

The Pumpkins included in this set are Playstation themes of Sackboy, the console and Playstation controller buttons. In addition, there are some cool Xbox ones as well of the Xbox Logo, Halo 3, Red Ring of Death and Gears Of War. Of course, if the other two consoles are included, then a few Wii ones are as well, with the logo and Wiimote action shot.

Moreover, for old school gamers, the Pacman, Space Invaders and Tetris Pumpkins would brighten your day (and night). Lastly, the World of Warcraft Alliance sign was also carved on a Pumpkin to make sure Online gamers are not left out this Halloween.

Horror Movie Pumpkin Collection (28 Pics)

scary halloween pumpkins horror movies

Horror Movie Pumpkin Collection

In tribute to the Cult, Classic and Cheesy Horror Movies and Characters, this is a list that follows many movies from the past including:
Psycho, the Exorcist, Dracula, Nosferatu, Nightmare on Elm Street, Frankenstein and the Bride, Wolfman, the Mummy, Night of the Living Dead, the Lost Boys, Jaws, Chucky from Child’s Play, Friday the 13th and Halloween, Hellraiser, Evil Dead, Predator, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and even Pennywise from It makes a special appearance.

Geeky Pumpkin Faces (34 Pics)

halloween pumpkin carvings

Geeky Pumpkin Faces

This is an overall fun Pumpkin Faces collection which is a mixture of Pumpkin carvings (no repeats from any collections mentioned above). This special Pumpkin set consists of another Space Invaders, Pacman, Transformers and Spock Pumpkins. It also has Super Mario carvings, some Star Wars Pumpkins not included in the above collection, Firefox, Internet
Explorer and Apple Logos, including the Linux Penguin and RSS Icon.

Furthermore, Jack Nicholson from the Shining drops by, John Cusack from Say Anything and Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. Green Lantern and Dark Knight are some cool additional carvings and there are also some cool Pumpkins which are not carvings at all; The latter include a Lego Pumpkin, Macintosh computers colored and made as Jack-o-lanterns and even a Robot Pumpkin.

We really hope you have enjoyed the Walyou’s Ultimate Pumpkin Carvings and Faces collection of 2009 and let us know by comments. We hope you have a Happy Halloween, a Safe Trick or Treat time and enjoy dressing up during this Holiday.