Simpsons Theme A Capella

Danny Elfman’s theme song for “The Simpsons” is one of the small screen’s most memorable ear worms, so it’s not surprising that people would attempt to cover it. Nick McKaig has done an amazing job with his a capella version.

McKaig, who’s also done an a capella version of the “Pokemon” theme, wrote out all the vocal parts, 30 in total, overdubbed them, and made a cool video of him singing the various orchestral parts with a  backdrop of a blue sky with clouds reminiscent of the opening screen on the show. He even mimics the motions of all the various instruments and without even an apparent twinge of self-consciousness.With a medium that loves to rip someone who manages to look even a little bit goofy when they upload a video, McKaig is obviously a very brave man.

His version actually turned out pretty well, making a good approximation with his voice of the complex orchestral “Simpsons” theme. McKaig says his favorite instrument to do was the violins.

Besides the “Simpsons” and “Pokemon” themes, he’s done several other versions of TV theme shows, including “Mission Impossible” and “Doug.” Of course, since the latter is largely a capella anyway, it doesn’t seem that difficult. His YouTube channel is well worth checking out.

For more fun based on “The Simpsons,” check out a post on some Simpsonized movie posters, as well has the characters transported to Middle Earth.