6 Disney Princesses as Bad-Ass Warriors

While Disney Princesses, especially the more “classic” ones aren’t always the most aggressive types, there’s nothing wrong with making them go through a makeover and come out as kick-ass Warrior chicks.





That neck thing looks really uncomfortable, but overall she looks pretty much like someone Namor or Aquaman would get along pretty well with.




Very medieval style. Kind of reminds me of Syrio Forel and what a water dancer from Braavos would look like, if girls were water dancers as well (are they?). Maybe Arya will turn into something like this one day.




CInderella gets the cyborg treatment or as the artist referred to her: an android housekeeper. That cannon for an arm makes her look like Megatron, the one from the G1 TV series and not the Live-Action Transformer films.




Unlike the others, she’s not all that different in look from the non-warrior version of her. She doesn’t have a sword, but she does have blood on the orb at the end of her stick.

Sleeping Beauty (Aurora)

Sleeping Beauty


All I have to say is that she has one truly bad ass staff, but I’m not really sure who or what she reminds me of.

Snow White

Snow White

Over the last two-three years there have been plenty of more combative versions of Snow White coming out: The “Twilight” one, the Terrible one and the one on TV.

The artist is Sadyna, which you can view her gallery here.

For a bit more on Disney Princesses, check their Capcom Heroines versions or the girls in Accurate Period Costume.