A true end of an era, indeed. One of the longest-running gaming magazines in North America finally calls its quits.
Nothing lasts forever. And certainly with every gaming print mag biting the dust one by one over the few years – GamePro and etc. – the writing was on the wall and other hapless sayings that really can’t put into words how extremely sad this set of news is for a bracket of gamers well over, or around, the Logan’s Run age limit.
After the 24 years – dang it Internet, stop making me feel old – the publication that for many of its readers was the source for all Nintendo-related news at one point in videogamedom, Nintendo Power, will come to an disappointing end. According to people close to the story, it seems Nintendo decided not to renew its contract with Future Publication.
Meaning: that without a license extension, the United Kingdom-located media company which took editorial control of Nintendo Power from Nintendo after 2007, can no longer print the magazine, essentially closing up shop on a fabled gaming institution that’s been around since the late 1980’s. Again, seriously Internet, stop it.
Although, that’s 1988 to be exact, when the foundation for Nintendo Power began as an evolved creation from its Nintendo Fun Club Newsletter – edited by the legendary Howard Philips (you might be familiar with him as being the straight-man in those “Howard & Nester” comics) – to a bi-monthly mag (then monthly in 1990) that soon enough became a trusted companion for all Nintendo gamers.
Exclusive previews of upcoming Nintendo games, full-page illustrated game guides, the reader comments, sweet comics based on Nintendo properties like Star Fox and Metroid, and user-submitted top scores, which honestly were a pain in the patootie to photograph, were all notable features of Nintendo Power back in the day and really did a lot to make a strong lasting impressing for its audience.
It’s a real shame to see it go. And personally, my heart goes out to all the good hard-working folks who will soon be out of job come the last issue, which interestingly enough, hasn’t been settled on. So, thankfully, for the moment, there will be enough time for everyone to get in on the farewell wishes to Nintendo Power. Uh, that’s a plus… I guess.
Oh, and while we’re pouring one out though, I whole-heartedly recommend watching the Angry Video Game Nerd’s own funny trip down memory lane for Nintendo Power with this video he made a couple of years ago. The amount of gaming nostalgia in it makes for a darn good tribute to the cherished magazine and worth a watch to all.
Our own selection of articles on Walyou, I might add, are worth a watch, too. Take a gander at this time machine cross-over of the forever with this TarDelorean and just in time for Shark Week on the Discovery Channel, Shark-inspired gadgets and products.