Super Mario Bros was first released in 1985 and 25 years afterwards, we already know how much influence this popular plumber has had in regards to video games, designs, movies and much more. To celebrate this Super birthday, here is a great video that shows the evolution of the game throughout the years.
This Super Mario video begins with 1985 with the first Super Mario Bros and continues to 2, 3 and the rest in the series. It is a fun video to watch, very nostalgic and may even make some Geeks cry as they realize how many years they have been playing video games.
For other recommended Mario posts, check out the 21 Super Mario Bros Theme Remakes, the 35 Geeky Themed Canstruction Artworks that feature Mario along with other Geeky characters, or the hilarious Super Mario Brothers Chat Roulette.
Via: GNews