As a person who is always connected to some kind of social network, be it my blog, my Twitter, or my Facebook, my mom has always told me that I needed a bit more privacy. With a nifty new gadget, named Serendipity, users will be able to interact on a social level with others who have similar interests and hobbies.
The creator, CREATIVEsession, says that it’s intent is to utilize “surveillance concepts to create an interaction I call coveillance. Serendipity is a unique social interaction tool that allows strangers to monitor one another comfortably.” Now while we are not talking about monitoring your every move, Serendipity offers some pretty neat features in its small stature.
Upon first glance, a user will notice a unique menu where programs can be assigned/installed to the users preference. To select items, displayed around the rim of the screen, the user simply rotates the band on the outer edges. Turning it one way will allow users to pick the application, while turning it the other direction will open the program up. The device also opens up, allowing for two more touch screens to be used, and in the demonstration, a full size QWERTY keyboard is being used.
When the user sets up their Serendipity, they have the option to install a number of programs, ranging from productivity to entertainment. The key feature is to allow users to browse stuff that other users have installed onto their Serendipity. Allowing users to browse other users’ applications and profiles is unique in that the device tries to determine what you would like, and find similar users.
The device also has a “radar” feature to find your friends, and it has a maximum range of 50 meters, which is pretty far by my standards. Connecting to another users device will allow you to send/recieve valueable information as well, such as business cards and resumes, and the creator points out.
This device is certainly one to wonder about. It brings to the table some innovative technology that is pretty useful. I myself wouldn’t mind being able to carry around, in a sense, a portable resume and such. This social tool is something that I hope to see on the markets in the near future. Check out Serendipity in the video below!
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